Honda CR-V: Side Engine Mount Replacement

1. Support the engine with a jack and wood block under the oil pan.

2. Remove the power steering (P/S) fluid reservoir from the holder.

3. Remove the upper torque rod.

Honda CR-V. Side Engine Mount Replacement

4. Remove the ground cable (A), then remove the side engine mount bracket (B).

Honda CR-V. Side Engine Mount Replacement

5. Remove the side engine mount stiffener (A), then remove the side engine mount (B).

Honda CR-V. Side Engine Mount Replacement

6. Install the side engine mount, then install the side engine mount stiffener.

7. Install the side engine mount bracket (A), then loosely tighten the new bolt and nut (B), and loosely tighten the bolt (C).

Honda CR-V. Side Engine Mount Replacement

8. Install the ground cable (D).

9. Remove the air cleaner housing assembly.

10. Loosen the transmission mounting bolt and nuts (A).

Honda CR-V. Side Engine Mount Replacement

11. Raise the lift to full height.

12. Loosen the lower torque rod mounting bolt (A).

Honda CR-V. Side Engine Mount Replacement

13. Lower the vehicle on the lift.

14. Tighten the side engine mount mounting bolts and nut.

Honda CR-V. Side Engine Mount Replacement

15. Tighten the transmission mounting bolt and nuts.

Honda CR-V. Side Engine Mount Replacement

16. Raise the lift to full height.

17. Tighten the lower torque rod mounting bolt.

Honda CR-V. Side Engine Mount Replacement

18. Lower the vehicle on the lift.

19. Install the air cleaner housing assembly.

20. Install the upper torque rod, then tighten the new upper torque rod mounting bolts in the numbered sequence shown.

Honda CR-V. Side Engine Mount Replacement


 Transmission Mount Replacement

1. Loosen the upper torque rod mounting bolt (A). 2. Remove the air cleaner housing assembly. 3. Remove the powertrain control module (PCM) cover, then remove the three bolts securing the PCM. 4. R

 Side Engine Mount Bracket Replacement

1. Support the engine with a jack and wood block under the oil pan. 2. Remove the upper torque rod. 3. Remove the ground cable (A), then remove the side engine mount bracket (B). 4. Install the sid

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Lubricants and Fluids For details of lubrication points and type of lubricants to be applied, refer to the illustrated index and various work procedures (such as Assembly/Reassembly, Replacement, Overhaul, Installation, etc.) contained in each section. API CERTIFICATION SEAL Recommended Engine O

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