Honda CR-V: Range (Estimated Distance)

This display shows the estimated distance you can travel on the fuel remaining in the tank.

This distance is estimated from the fuel economy you have achieved over the last few miles (kilometers), so it will vary with changes in speed, traffic condition, etc.



The odometer shows the total distance your vehicle has been driven. It measures miles in U.S. models and kilometers in Canadian models. It is illegal under U.S. federal law and Canadian provin

 Fuel Gauge

This shows how much fuel you have. It may show slightly more or less than the actual amount. Avoid driving with an extremely low f uel level. Running out of f uel could cause the engine to

 Temperature Gauge

This shows the temperature of the engine’s coolant. During normal operation, the reading should be in the middle of the gauge. In severe driving conditions, such as very hot weather or a l


 Cargo Hooks

The four hooks on the floor can be used to install a net for securing items. If equipped Your vehicle also has cargo hooks on the side panel in the cargo area. They are designed to hold light items. Heavy objects may damage the hook. Make sure any items put on each hook weigh less

 Radio Reception

How well the radio receives stations is dependent on many factors, such as the distance from the station’s transmitter, nearby large objects, and atmospheric conditions. A radio station’s signal gets weaker as you get farther away from its transmitter. If you are listening to an A

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