Honda CR-V: Blower Unit
1. Remove the glove box.
2. Disconnect the connector (A), then remove the
connector clip (B), the wire harness clips (C), the
bolts, and the glove box frame (D).
3. Cut the plastic cross brace (A) in the glove box
opening with diagonal cutters in the area shown.
Retain plastic cross brace to be reinstalled later.
4. Remove the wire harness clips (A), the self-tapping
screws, and the passenger's heater duct (B).
5. Disconnect the connector (A) from the blower
motor. Remove the wire harness clip (B).
6. Disconnect the connector (A) from the recirculation
control motor. Remove the self-tapping screws, the
bolt, the mounting nuts, and the blower unit (B).
7. Install the unit in the reverse order of removal.
Make sure that there is no air leakage.
Blower Unit Component
Note these items when overhauling the blower unit:
- The recirculation control motor (A), blower motor (B),
and the dust and pollen filter (C) can be replaced
without removing the blower unit.
- Before reassembly, make sure that the recirculation
control linkage and door move smoothly without
- After reassembly, make sure the recirculation control
motor runs smoothly.
1. Recover the refrigerant with a recovery/recycling/ charging station.
2. Remove the bolt from the A/C line clamp, and
remove the receiver line (A) from the clips (B).
3. Remove the nut, then disco
SRS components are located in this area. Review the
SRS component locations, and the
precautions and procedures before
doing repairs or service.
1. Make sure you have anti-theft codes for the audio
NOTE: Do not install an A/C compressor into a system
unless you are completely sure that the system is free
of contamination. Installing the A/C compressor into a
contaminated system can result in pre
1. Remove the engine assembly.
2. Remove the transmission.
3. Remove the drive plate.
4. Remove the oil pan.
5. Remove the oil pump.
6. Remove the cylinder head.
7. Remove the baffle plates.
8. Remove the 8 mm bolts.
9. Remove the bearing cap bolts. To prevent warpage,
unscrew the bolts in s
You can also select a track/file
directly from a track list on the audio
display. Press the AUDIO button to
show the audio display, then touch
the Track List icon. The track list
menu appears on the display.
When playing a CD recorded with
text data, each track name is shown
on th
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