Honda CR-V: Fluid Locations

Fluid Locations
Fluid Locations


 Adding Engine Oil

Unscrew and remove the engine oil fill cap on top of the valve cover. Pour in the oil slowly and carefully you do not spill any. Clean up any spills immediately. Spilled oil could damage co

 Recommended Engine Oil

Oil is a major contributor to your engine’s performance and longevity. Always use a premium-grade 0W-20 detergent oil displaying the API Certification Seal. This seal indicates the oil is e

 Synthetic Oil

You may use a synthetic motor oil if it meets the same requirements given for a conventional motor oil: it displays the API certification seal, and it is the proper weight. You must follow t


 Power Steering Fluid

Check the level on the side of the reservoir when the engine is cold. The fluid should be between the UPPER LEVEL and LOWER LEVEL. If not, add power steering fluid to the UPPER LEVEL. Pour the fluid slowly and carefully so you do not spill any. Clean up any spills immediately; it coul

 Navigation Unit Removal/Installation

SRS components are located in this area. Review the SRS component location. Also review the precautions and procedures in the SRS section before doing repairs or service. NOTE: Put on gloves to protect your hands. Take care not to scratch the dashboard and related parts. Lay a workshop towel u

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