Honda CR-V: Protecting Children General Guidelines

Children depend on adults to protect
them. However, despite their best
intentions, many adults do not know
how to properly protect child passengers.
If you have children, or ever need to
drive with a child in your vehicle, be
sure to read this section. It begins
with important general guidelines,
then presents special information for
infants, small children, and larger
Each year, many children are injured
or killed in vehicle crashes because
they are either unrestrained or not
properly restrained. In fact, vehicle
accidents are the number one cause
of the
According to statistics, children of all
ages and sizes are safer when they
are restrained in a back seat.
The National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration and Transport
Canada recommend th
Front airbags have been designed to
help protect adults in a moderate to
severe frontal collision. To do this,
the passenger’s front airbag is quite
large, and it can inflate with enough
The exhaust emissions controls
include three systems: PGM-FI,
ignition timing control, and three
way catalytic converter. These three
systems work together to control the
engine’s combustion and minimize
the amount of HC, CO, and NOx that
comes out the tailpipe. The exhaust
Power Door Locks/Keyless
1. Check for B-CAN DTCs. If any B-CAN DTCs are indicated, troubleshoot and
resolve them first.
2. If the door lock system and the keyless operation. does not work, troubleshoot
the door locks first.
NOTE: The system does not function when the ignition switch is ON (II).
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