Honda CR-V: If You Must Drive with Several Children

Your vehicle has a back seat where children can be properly restrained.

If you ever have to carry a group of children, and a child must ride in front:

Place the largest child in the front seat, provided the child is large enough to wear the lap/shoulder belt properly.

Move the vehicle seat as far to the rear as possible.

Have the child sit upright and well back in the seat.

Make sure the seat belt is properly positioned and secured.


 If a Child Requires Close Attention

Many parents say they prefer to put an infant or a small child in the front passenger seat so they can watch the child, or because the child requires attention. Placing a child in the front s

 Additional Safety Precautions

Never hold an infant or child on your lap. If you are not wearing a seat belt in a crash, you could be thrown forward and crush the child against the dashboard or a seat-back. If you are wea

 Protecting Infants and Small Children


 Carrying Cargo in the Passenger Compartment

Store or secure all items that could be thrown around and hurt someone during a crash. Be sure items placed on the floor behind the front seats cannot roll underneath and interfere with the proper operation of the seats, the sensors under the seats, or the driver’s ability to operat

 Block and Piston Inspection

1. Remove the crankshaft and pistons. 2. Check the piston for distortion or cracks. 3. Measure the piston diameter at a point 13 mm (0.5 in.) from the bottom of the skirt. There are two standard-size pistons (No Letter or A, and B). The letter is stamped on the top of the piston. Letters are also

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