Honda CR-V: Improving Fuel Economy

Vehicle Maintenance

A properly maintained vehicle maximizes fuel economy. Poor maintenance can significantly reduce fuel economy. Always maintain your vehicle according to the maintenance messages displayed on the multiinformation display.

For example:

Use the recommended viscosity motor oil, displaying the API Certification Seal.

Maintain proper tire inflation - An underinflated tire increases ‘‘rolling resistance,’’ which reduces fuel economy.

Avoid carrying excess weight in your vehicle - It puts a heavier load on the engine, increasing fuel consumption.

Keep your vehicle clean - In particular, a build-up of snow or mud on your vehicle’s underside adds weight and rolling resistance.

Frequent cleaning helps your fuel economy.

Drive Efficiently

Drive moderately - Rapid acceleration, abrupt cornering, and hard braking increase fuel consumption.

Observe the speed limit - Aerodynamic drag has a big effect on fuel economy at speeds above 45 mph (75 km/h). Reduce your speed and you reduce the drag.

Trailers, car top carriers, roof racks and bike racks are also big contributors to increased drag.

Avoid excessive idling - Idling results in 0 miles per gallon (0 kms per liter).

Minimize the use of the air conditioning system - The A/C puts an extra load on the engine which makes it use more fuel. Use the fresh-air ventilation when possible.

Plan and combine trips - Combine several short trips into one. A warmed-up engine is more fuel efficient than a cold one.


 Calculating Fuel Economy

Measuring Techniques Direct calculation is the recommended source of information about your actual fuel economy. Using frequency of fill-ups or taking fuel gauge readings are NOT accurate me

 Accessories and Modifications

Modifying your vehicle, or installing some non-Honda accessories, can make it unsafe. Before you make any modifications or add any accessories, be sure to read the following information.


Your dealer has Honda accessories that allow you to personalize your vehicle. These accessories have been designed and approved for your vehicle, and are covered by warranty. Although non-Hon


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 Information Display

The information display consists of three segments. The upper segment displays current fuel mileage, the second segment displays the odometer, average fuel mileage, range (estimated distance), engine oil life, and the lower segment displays the trip meter, and maintenance item co

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