Honda CR-V: Interior Lights


 Ceiling Light

The ceiling light has a three-position switch: ON, Door Activated, and OFF. In the Door Activated (center) position, the light comes on when you: Open any door. Unlock the doors and the


The spotlights have a two-position switch. In the DOOR position, the lights come on when you open any door. In the OFF position, the lights do not come on. The spotlights (with the switch

 Ignition Switch Light

The ignition switch light comes on when you open the driver’s door. It fades out in about 30 seconds after the door is closed.


 HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning)

Special Tools Backprobe set Component Location Index SERVICE VALVE (HIGH-PRESSURE SIDE) SERVICE VALVE (LOW-PRESSURE SIDE) EVAPORATOR CORE (Located-in the heater unit) RECEIVER/DRYER DESICCANT Replacement A/C CONDENSER Replacement Clutch Check Clutch Overhaul Thermal Prote

 A/T Differential

Component Location Index 4WD 2WD Backlash Inspection NOTE: The illustration shows the 4WD model; 2WD is similar. 1. Install the drive shaft and intermediate shaft into the differential assembly. 2. Secure the driveshaft (A) in a bench vise (B) with soft jaws (C). To prevent damage to the drivesh

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