Honda CR-V: Using a Booster Seat

A child who has outgrown a forwardfacing

A child who has outgrown a forwardfacing child seat should ride in a back seat and use a booster seat until the lap/shoulder belt fits them properly without the booster.

Some states, Canadian provinces and territories also require children to use a booster seat until they reach a given age or weight (e.g., 6 years or 60 lbs). Be sure to check current laws in the states, provinces or territories where you intend to drive.

Booster seats can be high-back or low-back. Whichever style you select, make sure the booster seat meets federal safety standards and that you follow the booster seat maker’s instructions.

If a child who uses a booster seat must ride in front, move the vehicle seat as far back as possible and be sure the child is wearing the seat belt properly.

A child may continue using a booster seat until the tops of their ears are even with the top of the vehicle’s or booster’s seat-back. A child of this height should be tall enough to use the lap/shoulder belt without a booster seat.


 When Can a Larger Child Sit in Front

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Transport Canada recommend that all children aged 12 and under be properly restrained in a back seat. If the passenger’s front airbag

 Additional Safety Precautions

Do not let a child wear a seat belt across the neck. This could result in serious neck injuries during a crash. Do not let a child put the shoulder part of a seat belt behind the back or un

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 Close and Lock the Doors.

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